Saturday, 29 December 2012

The creators of "Guild Wars 2" block the players' accounts

The biggest problem publishers MMO Bots and farmers are selling virtual gold. ArenaNet also struggling with them, and by accident blocked the accounts of people who have nothing to do in that area.

A few months ago, ArenaNet declared war on farmers who are using bots earn gold in "Guild Wars 2". Blocked a publisher, an unspecified number of accounts suspected of trading in gold, but the occasion also reprimanded completely innocent Guild Wars 2 gold players.

Many users complained on the official forums that their accounts have been blocked, though he never sold gold, but only sometimes gave them to friends, or members of your guild, using the mail system.

The worst part is that it completely ignores the publisher of users, since many did not know the cause of the blockage and had to wait until three days before the GMs were directed to dealing with this issue on the forum thread, which by the way, dates back well over 60 pages. Others, however, have been waiting for several days to restore access to the accounts.

Liaison Gail Gray, working in technical support ArenaNet, however, played down the issue, claiming that the majority of gw2 gold players complaining to block the account for no reason, simply lying. Can actually part of the reports are false, but certainly not all, and the more it looks like an attempt to cover up their own incompetence.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

GW2: planned improvements at the dungeon of fog fractals for end of January

A few days ago, we reported that players in the dungeon of fog fractals after a disconnection can not return to their group, but ArenaNet is working on a fix for the problem. This was confirmed again by now lead designer Isaiah Cartwright, who entered in more detail in an official post on possible improvements for the dungeon.

Return to the group soon possible

According to Cartwright are the dungeon of fog fractals equal before two changes. Thus, a new system will be integrated, that allows gw2 gold players after a connection is terminated, to return to their group and to re-enter the dungeon. "We are fully aware how frustrating this situation can be, and we would like to apologize that it takes so long to correct them," said the lead designer.

Change at the steps restrictions
In addition, changes in the functioning of stages restrictions are planned for groups. The group stage is currently directed by the player with the lowest fractal level. Thus it falls players with lower fractal level often difficult to find a group. To counter this, we have modifziert the limitations of the group stage. How does it work if and Cartwright illustrated with an example:

The group formation, players can now choose any fractal stage to the stage of the most advanced member of the group. Upon completion of fractals is the fractal level of all players who are under or on the selected fractal stage, raised by 1. All Guild Wars 2 gold  players on the selected fractal step get karma, their fractal level does not change. The rewards in the fractals are based on the personal reward level of each player, if it is not higher than the selected fractal level. An example:

Player 1 (fractal level 2)
Player 2 (fractal level 21)
Player 3 (fractal level 21)
Player 4 (fractal level 21)
Player 5 (fractal stage 53)
Player 2 founded the group, which relies on fractal stage 21, and the group is against three fractals. This results in the following statements after the fractal stages:

Player 1 (fractal level 3)
Player 2 (Fractal Level 22)
Player 3 (Fractal Level 22)
Player 4 (Fractal Level 22)
Player 5 (still fractal level 53, but it gets karma for his help)
Wanted to achieve with this change, that they can all play together and the group game for everyone associated with fewer restrictions. Go online to the features expected in late January!

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Guild Wars 2: What to do at level 80 ?

I have just got my first character to level 75 & need to hit 80 by the end of the week.

I've been leveling 5 characters at the same time so all the others are about lvl 40.

What I was looking for was a list of possible factors to do at lvl 80.

I'm looking forward to:

one) Maxing 2 professions on each character
2) Running fractals & other dungeons (potentially getting to level 15+ for the better gear)
3) Completing the map to 100%

I also know there is sPVP I could try and WvWvW

The other possibilities are :
four) Getting a legendary weapon
5) Gaining tier gear (for the looks)

Are there other parts to this game I've missed. I'm hoping to be playing this gw2 gold game for a while so looking for a list of points to do once I hit 80.

Apologies if there is yet another thread on this, I went back 10 pages & also looked in the sticky section.


Complete your personal story
Raise all crafting disciplines to level 400 -> Craft an exotic armor & weapons for your character
Generate or purchase a full set of 20 slot bags
Find and complete all 43 jumping puzzles
Collect a set of armor from each dungeon in the Guild Wars 2 gold game
Earn all doable PvE titles
Complete the current Monthly achievements
Get rich
Raise your sPvP rank (there is /rank emote now)
Unlock cosmetic armor & weapon skins for sPvP
Earn all sPvP titles
Help your world win in WvW
Complete all WvW achievements & titles

I've two lvl 80 characters. I haven't completed map or run all instance paths. My craftings aren't but maxed and I don't even have full exotic sets. XD I am having too much fun doing jumping puzzles, WvW, sPvP and dungeons with guild.

I slowly work towards all of that I ranked above & dream of legendary at several point in the future (loads of months will come & go). I play rather casually & I am pleased that I can do all this without being blocked out of content due gear, and so on (yes I cannot go into fractals lvl10+, although it's ok for me. I am now lvl3 fractal, it will come with time).

Guild Wars 2: Is Guild Wars 2 for me?

Q:I'm genuinely in the market for the game, like really really interested. The thing is that none of my gamer friends are into MMOs. So the question is if Guild Wars 2 will nonetheless be fun for me without my buds playing with me.

A: I can only speak for myself: It is not challenging to find pals in GW2. All mechanics are designed around cooperation (no loot stealing, no node stealing, no flagging enemies by yourself, everyone can ress anytime, no groups needed to buff/help others, most buffs (referred to as boons here) you call are for nearby allies,...) so helping others takes place all of the time and you will be happy anytime you see other players.

It is sad thinking of other games wich make you picture other non-guildmember-individuals in a negative way. My friend (coming from WoW) was totally shocked as somebody ressed him subsequent to a chest and champion npc. The stranger attempted everything to help his downed character, even if it meant his own dead. In the end each managed to survive, distract the champion of the other, loot the chest & get away.

A lot of the greatest moments I had in GW2 was with strangers. Love to help others with my Mesmer portal to get around complicated scenarios or to hard to reach places in jumping puzzles. In that fractal where there's a ramp & men and women are dying on it I pop my portal, run by the obstacles and put down the portal exit on the safe side. When men and women fall off cliffs and barely survive I put in my lowered-fall harm trait (which offers us a chaos storm too with excellent defensive buffs), jump down to him/her and get him back up with my portal safe.

A:I love Guild wars two, I genuinely take pleasure in the game, though I have no pals & I am looking for a guild to make buddies with..

I played for the 1st month & fell in love with the game, once Mists came out, I got it (like planned) and played for 4 weeks at easily 8 hours a day, no life, no sleep, work full time.

My sever on Warcraft is BEYOND DEAD, my old guild full of Warcraft pals left for greener pastures, I am not ok with investing 25 bucks to transfer, on top of paying to play & paying for expac's.

I stuck it out, I made my own guild, came honestly close to raiding in mist in 10m and fell short. the last of my on sever buddies transferred, & my IRL buddies stopped playing the game, 7,739 hours (which i know those who have so a lot more) & 11 characters, 1= 90, 9= 85, Monk alt= 30. Will forever remain frozen in time, I un-subbed and came back to GW2 (were i will need to have never left in the very first place after just loving the gw2 gold game)

But like people have said its a struggle without friends, & If i can't make them soon its going to be a sad day, I love the game and honestly wish my buddies played nevertheless none of them do.

If it was me, id say obtain the game, its the same as getting quite a few stupid xbox game for the 60 bucks and playing it for 20 hours and shelving it, its worth it to play even in the event you just make 1 character level to 80 and shelf the game, but you might make friends, or get into spvp, or like it adequate to make a new character.

TLDR= The Guild Wars 2 gold game is finest with pals, but its 60 bucks, if you fundamentally purchase stuff & are just attempting to justify the purchase I promise its already justified, even friendless you will get your moneys worth from the game, even if it appears "short-lived"

"From the 1st to the end of the Sixth Generation of consoles, for THIRTY Four YEARS, this really is what gaming was and it was Fantastic! You enjoyed the experience and gaming was what it was supposed to be FUN, COMPLETE, no DLC back then the new content was referred to as a sequel & we waited eagerly for it."

Thursday, 20 December 2012

My largest gaming moments in 2012

I am a complete sucker for 3 items: novelty soft drink flavors, Tom Servo's singing voice in MST3K, and end-of-the-year lists. Egads, I love the end of the year just for the lists alone. Everybody does them (copycats!), & I like to see how my opinions stack up against them. Plus, commonly I learn of cool points that took place or came out through the past year that I missed.

So this is my list. My end-of-2012 list. I am devoting the 26th Ideal Ten of 2012 to the top 10 moments in MMO gaming & blogging. It was a rollercoaster of highs and lows, and looking back, I don't think I could've predicted half of the major events that happened in this sector. That's what I like about this gig: It keeps me on my toes.

Seeing my daughter as an NPC in Guild Wars 2.

There is a longer version of this story that you could read on my weblog, however here's the brief version: I met ArenaNet President Mike O'Brien at a fan gathering a couple years back. He did not really know who I was (who might blame him?), but when I half-jokingly advised that my baby daughter had a cool name that would be extraordinary for Guild Wars 2, he passed it along to the story team & made it take place.

It took a couple of years to finally see the end result, however the truth is that in case you encounter a certain Sylvari in the private storyline, she's a nod to a certain fan's daughter. In a number of years when she's old sufficient to grasp, I'm going to get pleasure from showing her in-game doppleganger to her.

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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Guild Wars 2 won Game of the Year 2012 Best Multiplayer Game

As we continue the GodisaGeek Game of the Year Awards 2012, it is time to talk about the greatest multiplayer games of the past year.
Everybody loves a outstanding multiplayer game, whether it is enormously multiplayer, nearby multiplayer or just a fantastic old shoot out over Xbox LIVE Arcade, there's nothing better than sitting down to some gaming with buddies.

As we run down each position, our writers will have their say on each title, telling you specifically why they think each Guild Wars 2 gold game is so fantastic.
As you can imagine, we'd love to hear your thoughts & picks for this category too, so please leave comments at the end of the piece. In reverse order then, let's get it on!

Guild Wars 2 (NCSOFT - PC)

Martin Baker: I enjoyed the very first Guild Wars game nevertheless it always felt more like a dungeon crawler than an MMO to me. You'd group up in cities, even if that group was full of NPCs and then you'd enter your own instanced version of the world, devoid of any kind of life apart from your party and your enemies. It keeps all the areas that made individuals fall in love with the very first game, especially the zero cost subscription, and adds on everything that people like myself have actually been talking about. Guild Wars 2 is unquestionably an MMO though you only are obliged to play it for a couple of hours before you start to see that it is not your regular 1.

Questing is in the game is as you would anticipate from an RPG, although it is not the gw2 gold player's important form of XP generation, if you want to level up as quickly as doable you are going to must go exploring. Find all of the vistas, points of interest and other places on the map and you'll watch your XP bar rise quickly, stand in one place and grind enemies & it'll barely move at all. It is a small bit of a shift in the genre although it's a welcome 1 when you consider just how countless games have attempted to imitate World of Warcraft. ArenaNet have sat back and stated "You understand what? We are doing it our way" and for that, I applaud them.

Calvin Robinson: Guild Wars 2 is a refreshing take on an MMORPG, maintaining the classic mechanics that we are all too familiar with, while re-inventing the way they are used. From the innovative questing system that focuses on encourage group-play, to the combat leveling technique, which focuses on weapon combinations. Not to mention the beauty of this game, because graphically, it's astonishing.

I'd go as far as to express that Guild Wars two is the greatest fantasy MMO that we've observed in years.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Guild Wars 2 To Host Wintersday Events in December

Guild Wars 2, the MMO game, will host Wintersday events in December. Here is the press release:


The classic Tyrian holiday is re-imagined for Guild Wars 2

BRIGHTON, United Kingdom — NCSOFT® and ArenaNet™ are excited to host the 3rd considerable event since the launch of Guild Wars 2, entitled Wintersday. Beginning on 14 December, Wintersday will bestow bundles of break joy in the form of gifts, exclusive mini-games, new events and presents upon all in Tyria.

A Guild Wars Getaway Classic
The Wintersday event continues ArenaNet's tradition of delivering common content, compelling events and worthwhile opportunities for gw2 gold players, all subscription-zero cost. In this event, Tixx will be making his way to Lion's Arch, stopping at every major city on the method to deliver Wintersday toys to all races. Though, Tixx's golem servant Toxx throws a wrench into the process by hatching quite a few Wintersday plans of his own plus the toys go haywire!

At each stop, players will be in a position to access a brand new toy event & earn a brand new toy. After the Toymaster makes his rounds, his airship will hover in Lion's Arch, where players can earn more rewards & take part in distinctive Wintersday events building up to hectic getaway Toypocalypse. Throughout all of Wintersday, players can also participate in a variety of mini-games including a Bell Choir mini-game, snowball fights, grabbing presents that drop from the sky & a lot more.

For more info about this 1-time event, please see the timing info below and visit

Timing of the Wintersday event is as follows:

• Friday, 14 December - Wintersday begins with a holiday-themed Lion's Arch, countless mini-games, presents falling from the sky & more.

• Saturday, 15 December 15, 19:00 CET (20:00 GMT) - Tixx the Toymaker will make his first check out The Grove followed by stops at every capital for one day each.

• Thursday, 20 December, 19:00 CET (20:00 GMT) - Tixx the Toymaker's airship will hover over Lion's Arch and remain there till Wintersday ends.

• Thursday, three January three 19:00 CET (20:00 GMT) - The Wintersday event ends.

So in the event you are into buy Guild Wars 2 gold, think about the Wintersday events!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Guild Wars 2 players not received compensation chest can appeal to official

Maybe some players are still not received the compensation chest, or perhaps you may create problems list refer to the following ways.


2. Choose the ASK A QUESTION

3. Problem types choose GAMEPLAY-OTHER

4. Problem title enter the "Missing Karka Chest"

5. Fill the content that you have waiting for several days but still not receive the compensation chest

6. Fill the other place

7. After Click send, official will indicates a similar problem to ask you whether want to send or not, remember to choose the "right" button.

Then you will receive the reply from the official, that they are dealing with your problem. Half a day later,you'll receive the chest.

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Thursday, 6 December 2012

Guild Wars 2 Top ten albums brought to you by the all-new 2013 Ford Fusion

Guild Wars 2 is one of those rare gw2 gold games that unexpectedly knocks your life off-kilter, like a meteoroid banging into a satellite. Call it the pinball machine of MMOs, dedicated to keeping you entertained by the minute, whatever you're doing. You will end up in snowball fights, go on scavenger hunts for eggs, play catch with barrels, defend homesteads from ice worms, safeguard towns from bear hordes & knock out enemy portals that spawn creatures like the Chitauri in The Avengers. All those events & hundreds more play out in genuine-time — with, as Bono would say, or without you, lending Guild Wars 2 the feel of a living world, plus the kind of compulsive anywhere-you-go playability other MMOs only dream of.

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Wednesday, 5 December 2012

GW2: "Complete Makeover Kit" presented in the video

For a few days in the gem shop in Guild Wars 2, two new items are available, allowing the character to be changed appearance. Besides the "hairstyle styling kit" may also be a "Complete Makeover Kit" purchased. More about the possibilities offered by this kit, you will learn in the video in this article.

While you can adjust the hair styling kit, the hairstyle, the beard and the horns of your character, the kit provides a complete makeover for many more possibilities. Be changed so that not only can the body, the skin and the face, but others the sex!

Those who have not yet sure whether he for 350 gems set the "Complete Makeover Kit" will, can take a look at the periphery in the following video from YouTuber bogotter that the item presents it in detail:

Important: The "Complete Makeover Kit, neither the class nor the race or character name to be changed!

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Saturday, 1 December 2012

'Guild Wars 2' prepares the Christmas event with 'Wintersday'

From December 14 to January 3 toys for everyone.

It seems almost incredible that out yesterday when we were in short sleeves sipping while enjoying an ice cream or deals launch on duty at the time. As stated by the motto of the Stark in 'Song of Ice and Fire', 'Winter is Coming' and 'Guild Wars 2' not going to catch him off guard.

ArenaNet is preparing what will be the Christmas event for acclaimed MMO and will come under the name of 'Wintersday' Asura being Toymaker Tixx emcee.

One developer said:

Before reaching Tixx Arc de Leon will have work to do, visit each of the cities of Tyria to give away toys and greetings.

This celebration will take place between December 14 and January 3.

Tags: gw2 gold ; buy guild wars 2 gold

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Reddit Summary for online worlds

In online worlds you can you now the interesting summary of the Reddit session with Chris Whiteside view of ArenaNet.

Yesterday organized ArenaNet Chris Whiteside on Reddit a round of "Ask me anything!" and there were some really interesting information about the future of buy Guild Wars 2 gold. Our team of online worlds have gone to the trouble and summarizes all the action for you. Out came a huge load of new information about the hit MMORPG.

"So ArenaNet makes as clear once again that all the Ascended objects is a gap between the exotic and legendary items. It would have been better if this category would have been from the start in the game. ArenaNet is clear that no other item Category've planned and the gw2 gold players in this regard must not fear Itemspirale. Only upgrades for infusions and other sets, mainly skins and other attribute combinations are (as previously announced) pipeline. for the Ascended objects there are further pieces of equipment and weapons to . "

The full article can be found here

You are on the lookout for more news, trailers, screenshots and articles about Guild Wars 2? Then look have a look on our topics page and stay up to date.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

GW2: solution for display delay in WvW in sight

In a lengthy post on the official forum of Guild Wars 2, the German Community Manager Ramon Domke was now on the World vs. World and at big events occurring problem of display delay (culling) and others presented here a collection of solutions in prospect!

Right at the beginning of his contribution Domke says that it is working on a solution or a set of solutions for the emerging display delay and for some problems loading characters.

The implementation, however, would take some time to complete because they had to make to many gw2 gold game systems changes. A specific date for the publication of a solution could not be called the CM.

Domke then goes into detail on why it is in Guild Wars 2 on the system the display delay, the advantages and disadvantages, especially of this for the players, and this must be considered when implementing a solution needs. The full, detailed article you can read on page 2 of this article!

In a lengthy post on the official forum of Guild Wars 2, the German Community Manager Ramon Domke now went on in World vs. World and at big events occurring problem of display delay (culling). He went into details about the reasons for the delay and made a collection of solutions in sight.

Posted by Ramon Domke
We are currently working on a solution (or rather on a collection of solutions) for the display delay (culling) and some problems loading characters. Given to a number of gw2 gold game systems changes must be made, the implementation takes time. We are currently not ready to reveal a release date for the solution of the current problems, but you want to say that we are working hard to improve your gaming experience.

And now for the long version:
We currently use on the server side display delays in the graph to limit the number of characters that are reported to the respective client. When we limit the number of characters that we report to each client, we also borders the (server and client) used a bandwidth and avoid situations where the client is the number of characters that need to be processed and rendered overwhelmed is. Although this system has very obvious advantages and works extremely well in PvE, but the large-scale battles that are characteristic of the WvW underline the occasional weaknesses of this approach.

There are some client-side problems that affect how our system works the display delay. Once a character to the respective client has been reported to load and display the resources for this character a certain amount of time is needed. Additional charging time depends on how much the client PC's (personal computers with more memory, faster CPUs, more cores and faster drives load faster). One of our engine programmers recently completed an optimization run for the character of charging, so we should soon see improvements to this aspect of the problem. Nevertheless, the majority of the problem lies with the display time on the server side, how fast your client can load and display a character, namely, does not matter if he does not know that this character is present at all.

As you may already know, we have already implemented a solution in sPvP for display lag on the server side. Since there are fewer buy guild wars 2 gold players in sPvP dramatically, we could implement the problem-solving there immediately, without us worrying about possibly resulting side effects. WvW works but on a much larger scale than sPvP. Therefore, some additional hurdles to be overcome before we can tackle the problem on the server side. We need to make in clients, including clients with the minimum system requirements, rendering process a lot more characters and. We also need to ensure that the bandwidth required by each client remains at a reasonable level and continue our minimum requirements for links to purchase. The WvW team is currently working on two issues - the bandwidth and client performance. The changes we are making are complex and have a massive effect on how the game engine works. Since the necessary changes are so complex and affect the core systems, the correct implementation of these solutions will take longer. Therefore, I can also give you no fixed date for it.

What we ultimately comes down to is a dramatic improvement of the game experience in large-scale battles in WvW and a substantial increase in the number of players that are displayed by each client.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Guild Wars 2 underwater combat system: enjoy the different combat experience

Dear "Guild Wars 2" players, supporters and all those friends who are concerned about the "Guild Wars 2":

The underwater world for Tyria explorers, is full of magic and unknown region,and is the Holy Land that many explorers fascinating adventure. "Guild Wars 2" underwater world is different from other similar games,it has canceled serveral limited, and fully expand the freedom of adventure. For example, in the underwater world of Guild Wars 2 "has no breathing strips roles including freedom to roam, no need for ventilation and surface.

"Guild Wars 2" underwater battle mode also has another way to create something new. When the role is floating on the water, fast forward fast swimming, just as much as a swimmer. Descend to the underwater movement speed is decreased, and the weapons will automatically switch to the underwater weapons, thanks to "Guild Wars 2" unique weapon skill system, underwater skills with the weapons handover automatically changing.

More exciting battle in the water, water monsters also have their own characteristics, explorers harvest Unlike land battle experience, still needs its own operations as well as his skills to settle down, after all, the underwater world is more crisis-ridden, and not a hint of slack .

Not just weapons To switch into the water, helmets will be switched automatically. Entering after underwater, the role will be automatically replaced by scuba, the role of the corresponding attribute will change .

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Sunday, 18 November 2012

Guild Wars 2 info to the Lost Coast, Act 1: Fixes and Walkthrough

On 16 November 2012 started the weekend event "The Lost Coast". But unfortunately deny one or the other event the NPC service. ArenaNet provides important information for error narrowing and with continuation of the events.

On Friday night in Guild Wars 2 The first phase of the event "The Lost Coast". After the opening, after the first attack on the Karka Lowenstein, standing at the 1st Act Continuing with two scavenger hunts on, where you have to get information on the Karka.

Unfortunately, yesterday refused evening some NPCs (eg, Noll, Canach Fahdal) work. In the official forum keeps you ArenaNet about Troubleshooting to date. Overnight updates have been plays that fixed the errors in the Event NPC in Canach Garrenhoff and Largos Fahdal. In addition, errors in Miyani blingg and were eliminated. The NPC Noll zickt currently but unfortunately around a bit and is under observation.

ArenaNet has decided because of the occurring event problems to the first investigation of the events Act even after the start of the 2nd Acts (November 17, from 21 clock) to make the game, so that everyone has the opportunity to complete the tasks still. Around 1 Complete act, it is sufficient if at her 17th Have been completed by 21 November 2012 the clock Noll event chain. Also note that some event NPCs like Canach Inspector Ellen Kiel for the 2nd and third Akt then appear multiple times in the world.

By the way: A guide with notes on paper chase of Inspector Ellen Miyani keel and can be found at (English Wiki). The tasks you perform Lowenstein for Caledon forest in the province and to the Metrica Kessex hills.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Guild Wars 2: Information about the next big update

NCsoft and ArenaNet provide promised for new Guild Wars 2 content. After the Halloween update goes so later this week, the next mini-expansion at the start.

"The Lost Shores" is the next major content update for Guild Wars 2 Besides a new, accessible to all players, the area also a new dungeon, a new PvP map, and many new pieces of equipment.

In addition, after release of the update on 15 November give a unique event which will forever change the world of Tyria. And since MMOs alone is not really a lot of fun, you can from 15-18. November three friends in Guild Wars invite 2, which can antesten the gw2 gold game for free during this period.

You still looking for a guild? Then look in the forum and in the "GIGA there's still" apply.

Update: New screenshots in the gallery.