Sunday, 23 December 2012

Guild Wars 2: What to do at level 80 ?

I have just got my first character to level 75 & need to hit 80 by the end of the week.

I've been leveling 5 characters at the same time so all the others are about lvl 40.

What I was looking for was a list of possible factors to do at lvl 80.

I'm looking forward to:

one) Maxing 2 professions on each character
2) Running fractals & other dungeons (potentially getting to level 15+ for the better gear)
3) Completing the map to 100%

I also know there is sPVP I could try and WvWvW

The other possibilities are :
four) Getting a legendary weapon
5) Gaining tier gear (for the looks)

Are there other parts to this game I've missed. I'm hoping to be playing this gw2 gold game for a while so looking for a list of points to do once I hit 80.

Apologies if there is yet another thread on this, I went back 10 pages & also looked in the sticky section.


Complete your personal story
Raise all crafting disciplines to level 400 -> Craft an exotic armor & weapons for your character
Generate or purchase a full set of 20 slot bags
Find and complete all 43 jumping puzzles
Collect a set of armor from each dungeon in the Guild Wars 2 gold game
Earn all doable PvE titles
Complete the current Monthly achievements
Get rich
Raise your sPvP rank (there is /rank emote now)
Unlock cosmetic armor & weapon skins for sPvP
Earn all sPvP titles
Help your world win in WvW
Complete all WvW achievements & titles

I've two lvl 80 characters. I haven't completed map or run all instance paths. My craftings aren't but maxed and I don't even have full exotic sets. XD I am having too much fun doing jumping puzzles, WvW, sPvP and dungeons with guild.

I slowly work towards all of that I ranked above & dream of legendary at several point in the future (loads of months will come & go). I play rather casually & I am pleased that I can do all this without being blocked out of content due gear, and so on (yes I cannot go into fractals lvl10+, although it's ok for me. I am now lvl3 fractal, it will come with time).

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