Saturday, 23 March 2013

Custom Arenas in Guild Wars 2

Tyler Bearce gives a first and preliminary insight about the options in this kind of arenas:

Options that we have working internally, so far, include:

-Message of the Day
-Max Players
-Minimum Players
-Respawn Time
-Score Limit
-Team Size
-Time Limit
-Respawn Type (Wave or Individual)
-Autobalance Toggle
-Lock Gear Toggle
-Lock Skills Toggle
-Ready Button Toggle
-Spectators Toggle
-No Stats Toggle
-Map selection

What do you think of the list so far? What would you like to see as far as options go for custom arenas?

Read More of GW2 gold Here:

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Interview With GW2 Dungeon Designer Robert Hrouda

We were lucky adequate to snag quite a few time with 1 of ArenaNet's Dungeon Content Designers, Robert Hrouda.

How do you feel concerning the existing state of dungeons? Do you think that they are in a excellent spot in terms of what they provide for PvE players? Or do you think that they could provide a bit more?

We're working on dungeons, and coming out with new stuff for them that we hope will be entertaining and tricky. There is a lot that goes into what we're doing, though suffice to express we are browsing encounters and such and modifying them.

What are your thoughts on the current dungeon token procedure? Is it too burdensome, or are you guys pretty okay with how it has played out?
The token process is something we are thinking of. It serves its purpose, although we feel there is more we can do. As constantly we're modifying & adjusting our reward scheme for dungeons to try and hit the sweet spot.

At the moment, the person that enters a group into the dungeon is in complete control of the entire party. They can try to kick others without fear of retaliation just because if they're kicked, the whole group loses their progress. Can we as players anticipate a fix on this soon?

We are drawn to the dungeon instance owner complications, and developing solutions. It will take time to get right, & I can not answer anything about dates and tech for that - it goes a bit above my head.

Have you reviewed & considered any of the suggestions from the "Community's Voice: Dungeons" thread from a number of months ago?

We read the thread. I won't point out the suggestions we took, but we did take a lot of from it. 1 of my assignments is to look at that feedback & figure out what the actual desire of the Guild Wars 2 gold player is. Decreasing mob HP i.e., is not just a call for lower HP... it is for a quicker less grindy Mob experience. It's my duty to take that feedback & do something with it.

Also you are compelled to understand that forums can't dictate what we do. The individuals that go to forums are quite a nominal percentage, & ordinarily they're going there to talk about a challenge. Otherwise the 50 people that post in a popular thread would dictate the direction of the game, & we cannot have that.

Have you guys thought about maybe adding some sort of side-bonuses to dungeons before? Something comparable to the additional points you might do in GW1 in Missions to get bonuses. It could be something very uncomplicated, like perform X volume of combos on bosses, or trying to survive the dungeon without dying once. This may be used to reward players for better gameplay, and you might give them things such as more tokens, or even particular rewards for that dungeon.

I would LOVE to add more content to dungeons. Random events, bonus events, amazing puzzles - you name it, I need more in it. There's only loads of hours in a day that two folks can devote however, and right now we are doing many pretty substantial work that our subsequent content patch will have. When we get time however, you bet I need to add more.

Have you guys considered potentially that not every dungeon desires to be based around killing bosses? It could be fun to have a dungeon that's chock full of puzzles. & I mean actual puzzles, not mini-laser hop "puzzles". Something to the effect of Zelda dungeon puzzles?

Whats incorrect with mini-laser hop puzzles? :three

Yes, I would love to do a dungeon that is just puzzles. It wasn't in the scope for our launch, but it is surely on my mind.

Have you thought about maybe adding Lodestones as a reward for Dungeon Tokens? It would help bring their charges more in line & obtainable for Legendaries, in addition to get more individuals running Dungeons they have already completed before.

We are at all times looking into rewards for dungeons and attempting to enhance them. Trust me I know how you feel concerning the lodestone issue, yet my hands are tied a bit on the matter. It is something I routinely bring up to the those who have the responsibility, even so you are obliged to grasp that they have an overall Guild Wars 2 item game's balance and economy on their hands.

Thanks a ton to Robert Hrouda for sharing his time with us to answer a range of questions!

Recommended Reading:

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Any benefit to tying original collector's edition to GW2?

I bought the collector's edition of the original Guild Wars 2 gold game when it first came out. I never got factions or nightfall or eye of the north, just the original.

Just asking yourself, if I were to tie this account to guild wars 2, if i make a decision to acquire it, are there any positive aspects at all to doing so beyond what a non-collector's edition account would get?

The CE for the original Guild Wars 2 item game doesn't do anything for GW2. You would get a number of points toward the Hall of Monuments to get a lot of the armor pieces though, even if it is not a number of you get one or two just for linking your accounts.

It would do nothing sind you want Eye of the North to access the Hall of Monuments and the content of HoM determines what you get in GW2.

Additional reading:

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Did you pick out a profession that represents your personality?

Ever since my Guild Wars days, I love playing as a warrior. I never thought of other professions as my main so now that Guild Wars 2 gold is here, I'm still a warrior. In reality, since I like being aggressive and violent. I just realised lately that the profession I chose slightly reflects my personality.

How about you? How do you opt for your profession? I do not know if this thread makes sense at all however I'm just curious to know in case you base your virtual characters with your genuine-life personality. There are 8 professions in Guild Wars 2 item and it inherently encompasses almost every personality of a person. Someway, somehow, there is a profession you think is closest to your personality.

By the way, I come across another forum & they've this infographics that basically describes every profession. I just need to convey it here for newbies who are nonetheless thinking what is the greatest profession for them.

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Sunday, 10 March 2013

Now You also might be a Guild Wars chef in Guild Wars 2

Have you ever thought about crafting in real life? Well lets be honest cooking would be 1 the of the couple of that we can do in real life. I came across a amazing blog known as the Guild Wars Chef.

I am extremely especially impressed over this guys cooking skill-sets & taking genuine "recipes that you'd need to eat. & I'm not the only one who feels this way. Guild Wars Chef is a blog dedicated to recreating the cooking recipes inside Guild Wars 2 gold in the genuine world with real ingredients. The weblog author takes recipes from the game & creates recipes to match them in real life."

By all implies should you attempt out a lot of these great looking recipes pls let me know what you thought.

This is fantastic. Thanks for sharing this. Since I like to eat well cooking is one of my real life hobbies. & cooking was simply my favorite crafting skill in the GW2 gold game. Well at least till the ingredient drops got a bit stingy. Any one know if the loot drop patch bumped up the crafting item drops as well?

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Saturday, 2 March 2013

Guild Wars 2: Higher volume produced content

ArenaNet talks about the hurdles in the development of the living history and promises in the same breath, a higher volume produced content.

The key words of the living history no one thinks of a too easy development process behind the scenes of Guild Wars 2 That, in fact, much of the thinking and open-ended questions followed the decision to provide such a feature on their feet, describes a new entry by Angel McCoy, who belongs to the live story team of ArenaNet. One of the biggest challenges of the parallel course of the character's and lively stories represents This led to a number of contradictions, after all, could a character who put in the context of personal experiences already his passing the day recur in the new features. From March to sets in Guild Wars 2 so more on personalities who are the feature reserved.

Angel McCoy, the future promises a higher volume produced content after developers are deducted from other projects going, also addressed the question of how Guild Wars 2 gold players with the living history should come into contact. Known on the basis of these considerations, the heralds in the cities of Tyria have taken a position. ArenaNet waived but on a musical version of the characters, which seems unusual for the MMORPG and reason given is that the next steps should be clearly communicated. In the future also appear villains in the new stories and so called McCoy the previous contents only as a teaser content.

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