Thursday, 4 April 2013
New Super Adventure Box items in Gem Store now
Guild Wars 2 Super Adventure Box brand new items are available in the Gem store now! View the news here to know these new items, check out the Gem store and gain those awesome items in Guild Wars 2 gold from gem store to better arm up your gaming characters!
The Miniature Super Trio is now available in the Gem Store. This super package contains three magical images of minis inspired by the Super Adventure Box: a Super Spider, a Super Bee Dog, and a Super Monkey. This Miniature Super Trio is available in the Minis category of the Gem Store for 500 gems.
The Super Adventure Box o’ Fun is now available in the Gem Store. Spawn the Super Adventure Box o’ Fun in the world and anyone can interact with it to get some Super Adventure themed effects. Each box remains in the world for 10 minutes. The Super Adventure Box o’ Fun is available in the Consumable category of the Gem Store for 125 gems each or 5 for 500 gems.
The Super Explosive Finisher is now available in the Gem Store. The Super Explosive Finisher will change your PvP finisher into a super explosion for one hour. This item is usable only in PvP or WvW. The Super Explosive Finisher is available in the Consumable category of the Gem Store for 100 gems each or 5 for 400 gems.
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Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Guild Wars 2 presents Retro Mode with Super Adventure Box
ArenaNet had announced yesterday that a Retro Mode is adding into Guild Wars 2, in which the entire map will be transformed into a retro-style video game with aesthetics straight out of the 80s.
"It started out just for fun as an idea for a side project," says Colin Johanson, Game Director of ArenaNet. “Originally, we were going to have a laugh with a fake 8-bit update, but the more the team worked on it the more we realized we had something really cool on our hands ".
According to ArenaNet, the land of Tyria allows Guild Wars 2 gold players to immerse themselves in a country of pixelated rabbits, giant mushrooms and with background music in the electronic retro style.
And gw2 gold players can access Super Adventure Box near a portal in the Lion's Arch area, with three levels of retro-styled platforming with 256-colour graphics were added. When Fall damage is off, as well as exploring, players can swap baubles for weapons and skills inside the box, or even score souvenir weapon skins from Moto. Here we advise you to purchase a shovel once starting the mode because there is hidden treasure buried in corners and difficult-to-reach places of certain areas. If you are lack of enough Guild Wars 2 gold to buy a weapon, you can visit
Super Adventure Box is available for the month of April, and can be obtained by visiting Moto in Rata Sum.
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Saturday, 23 March 2013
Custom Arenas in Guild Wars 2
Tyler Bearce gives a first and preliminary insight about the options in this kind of arenas:
Options that we have working internally, so far, include:
-Message of the Day
-Max Players
-Minimum Players
-Respawn Time
-Score Limit
-Team Size
-Time Limit
-Respawn Type (Wave or Individual)
-Autobalance Toggle
-Lock Gear Toggle
-Lock Skills Toggle
-Ready Button Toggle
-Spectators Toggle
-No Stats Toggle
-Map selection
What do you think of the list so far? What would you like to see as far as options go for custom arenas?
Read More of GW2 gold Here:
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Interview With GW2 Dungeon Designer Robert Hrouda
We were lucky adequate to snag quite a few time with 1 of ArenaNet's Dungeon Content Designers, Robert Hrouda.
How do you feel concerning the existing state of dungeons? Do you think that they are in a excellent spot in terms of what they provide for PvE players? Or do you think that they could provide a bit more?
We're working on dungeons, and coming out with new stuff for them that we hope will be entertaining and tricky. There is a lot that goes into what we're doing, though suffice to express we are browsing encounters and such and modifying them.
What are your thoughts on the current dungeon token procedure? Is it too burdensome, or are you guys pretty okay with how it has played out?
The token process is something we are thinking of. It serves its purpose, although we feel there is more we can do. As constantly we're modifying & adjusting our reward scheme for dungeons to try and hit the sweet spot.
At the moment, the person that enters a group into the dungeon is in complete control of the entire party. They can try to kick others without fear of retaliation just because if they're kicked, the whole group loses their progress. Can we as players anticipate a fix on this soon?
We are drawn to the dungeon instance owner complications, and developing solutions. It will take time to get right, & I can not answer anything about dates and tech for that - it goes a bit above my head.
Have you reviewed & considered any of the suggestions from the "Community's Voice: Dungeons" thread from a number of months ago?
We read the thread. I won't point out the suggestions we took, but we did take a lot of from it. 1 of my assignments is to look at that feedback & figure out what the actual desire of the Guild Wars 2 gold player is. Decreasing mob HP i.e., is not just a call for lower HP... it is for a quicker less grindy Mob experience. It's my duty to take that feedback & do something with it.
Also you are compelled to understand that forums can't dictate what we do. The individuals that go to forums are quite a nominal percentage, & ordinarily they're going there to talk about a challenge. Otherwise the 50 people that post in a popular thread would dictate the direction of the game, & we cannot have that.
Have you guys thought about maybe adding some sort of side-bonuses to dungeons before? Something comparable to the additional points you might do in GW1 in Missions to get bonuses. It could be something very uncomplicated, like perform X volume of combos on bosses, or trying to survive the dungeon without dying once. This may be used to reward players for better gameplay, and you might give them things such as more tokens, or even particular rewards for that dungeon.
I would LOVE to add more content to dungeons. Random events, bonus events, amazing puzzles - you name it, I need more in it. There's only loads of hours in a day that two folks can devote however, and right now we are doing many pretty substantial work that our subsequent content patch will have. When we get time however, you bet I need to add more.
Have you guys considered potentially that not every dungeon desires to be based around killing bosses? It could be fun to have a dungeon that's chock full of puzzles. & I mean actual puzzles, not mini-laser hop "puzzles". Something to the effect of Zelda dungeon puzzles?
Whats incorrect with mini-laser hop puzzles? :three
Yes, I would love to do a dungeon that is just puzzles. It wasn't in the scope for our launch, but it is surely on my mind.
Have you thought about maybe adding Lodestones as a reward for Dungeon Tokens? It would help bring their charges more in line & obtainable for Legendaries, in addition to get more individuals running Dungeons they have already completed before.
We are at all times looking into rewards for dungeons and attempting to enhance them. Trust me I know how you feel concerning the lodestone issue, yet my hands are tied a bit on the matter. It is something I routinely bring up to the those who have the responsibility, even so you are obliged to grasp that they have an overall Guild Wars 2 item game's balance and economy on their hands.
Thanks a ton to Robert Hrouda for sharing his time with us to answer a range of questions!
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Sunday, 17 March 2013
Any benefit to tying original collector's edition to GW2?
I bought the collector's edition of the original Guild Wars 2 gold game when it first came out. I never got factions or nightfall or eye of the north, just the original.
Just asking yourself, if I were to tie this account to guild wars 2, if i make a decision to acquire it, are there any positive aspects at all to doing so beyond what a non-collector's edition account would get?
The CE for the original Guild Wars 2 item game doesn't do anything for GW2. You would get a number of points toward the Hall of Monuments to get a lot of the armor pieces though, even if it is not a number of you get one or two just for linking your accounts.
It would do nothing sind you want Eye of the North to access the Hall of Monuments and the content of HoM determines what you get in GW2.
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Thursday, 14 March 2013
Did you pick out a profession that represents your personality?
Ever since my Guild Wars days, I love playing as a warrior. I never thought of other professions as my main so now that Guild Wars 2 gold is here, I'm still a warrior. In reality, since I like being aggressive and violent. I just realised lately that the profession I chose slightly reflects my personality.
How about you? How do you opt for your profession? I do not know if this thread makes sense at all however I'm just curious to know in case you base your virtual characters with your genuine-life personality. There are 8 professions in Guild Wars 2 item and it inherently encompasses almost every personality of a person. Someway, somehow, there is a profession you think is closest to your personality.
By the way, I come across another forum & they've this infographics that basically describes every profession. I just need to convey it here for newbies who are nonetheless thinking what is the greatest profession for them.
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Sunday, 10 March 2013
Now You also might be a Guild Wars chef in Guild Wars 2
Have you ever thought about crafting in real life? Well lets be honest cooking would be 1 the of the couple of that we can do in real life. I came across a amazing blog known as the Guild Wars Chef.
I am extremely especially impressed over this guys cooking skill-sets & taking genuine "recipes that you'd need to eat. & I'm not the only one who feels this way. Guild Wars Chef is a blog dedicated to recreating the cooking recipes inside Guild Wars 2 gold in the genuine world with real ingredients. The weblog author takes recipes from the game & creates recipes to match them in real life."
By all implies should you attempt out a lot of these great looking recipes pls let me know what you thought.
This is fantastic. Thanks for sharing this. Since I like to eat well cooking is one of my real life hobbies. & cooking was simply my favorite crafting skill in the GW2 gold game. Well at least till the ingredient drops got a bit stingy. Any one know if the loot drop patch bumped up the crafting item drops as well?
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Saturday, 2 March 2013
Guild Wars 2: Higher volume produced content
ArenaNet talks about the hurdles in the development of the living history and promises in the same breath, a higher volume produced content.
The key words of the living history no one thinks of a too easy development process behind the scenes of Guild Wars 2 That, in fact, much of the thinking and open-ended questions followed the decision to provide such a feature on their feet, describes a new entry by Angel McCoy, who belongs to the live story team of ArenaNet. One of the biggest challenges of the parallel course of the character's and lively stories represents This led to a number of contradictions, after all, could a character who put in the context of personal experiences already his passing the day recur in the new features. From March to sets in Guild Wars 2 so more on personalities who are the feature reserved.
Angel McCoy, the future promises a higher volume produced content after developers are deducted from other projects going, also addressed the question of how Guild Wars 2 gold players with the living history should come into contact. Known on the basis of these considerations, the heralds in the cities of Tyria have taken a position. ArenaNet waived but on a musical version of the characters, which seems unusual for the MMORPG and reason given is that the next steps should be clearly communicated. In the future also appear villains in the new stories and so called McCoy the previous contents only as a teaser content.
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Friday, 22 February 2013
Guild Wars 2 puts the 'guild' back in play with new group missions
Next week's update to Guild Wars 2 will do its darndest to get players to group up via new guild missions. These missions, which may be done with guildies or friends, are a new sort of PvE experience for the Guild Wars 2 gold game that offer particular problems to solve that take place in the persistent world.
There are a variety of varieties of unlockable guild missions, which includes bounty hunting, exploration, coordinated challenges, races, & puzzles. GW2 gold players can earn new features for their guild & garner individual rewards by participating.
ArenaNet released a video to show off the new guild mission technique, and it's unlocked by clicking on the green button beneath. Ready? Set? Go!
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Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Dungeons, Salvaging, Gear, and so on.
Hey, so I've been playing Guild Wars 2 on & off since I got it in December nonetheless playing it fairly full on this month. I am now level 69 (Warrior).
Here are a number of questions which I'd love for your help on:
Is there any point in doing dungeons which are not really my level range while leveling? I think I can make more than 70% of my total level in experience inside that time. The uncommon item appears nice, nevertheless I take it that it wouldn't be boosted to my level range like other things in the Guild Wars 2 gold game - right?
Is there an unspoken rule when ressing in dungeons? Is it ordinarily greatest to res in the course of a boss, or energy on by means of? Or should we just use gut instinct, depending on the wellness left and the GW2 gold player's ability?
What is worth salvaging? At the moment, I salvage blues and whites (as well as salvage items) as a way to reach my Monthly Quest (I think I have 200 salvages to go).
I don't genuinely get upgrades while leveling, I just acquire a brand new set of gear every ten levels. There's a question in there someplace.
Any point going to PvP before max level? Fundamentally, is the exp any good or must I just hold off?
Laurels. Suggestions on what to spend them on please!
Shall I bother looking into tier culture gear?
What is up with profession leveling? Am I doing something inaccurate and making it difficult on myself? I have 109 Armorsmithing & 49 Weaponsmithing. Would it be worthwhile leveling those to get experience instead? Do I need/ want max professions?
Where's the finest place to find assistance on Warriors? I want to ask about builds, weapons (I have searched and read the thread on this forum), shouts/ banners/ signets & such.
Ah, one more 1 - Fractals of the Mists, what is all this "lvl10 FoTM LF1M stuff? I thought they were max level dungeons that require special gear?
Thanks for reading and further thanks for any responses.
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Sunday, 17 February 2013
Guild Wars 2 sales has break through three million
South Korea NCsoft north American subsidiary company ArenaNet announced lately that its MMORPG Guild Wars 2 total sales has break by means of three million only online for 4 months.
ArenaNet mentioned that the data is from last August to December, and it combined the Guild Wars 2 digital sales and solid sales. The official said that their original plan in 2013 will be reach three million sales, but the game fantastic content & balanced program are all left a profound impression for players.
Now, the game is investigation and development the PVP method, & they are working hard as a way to make Guild Wars 2 gold players feel more intriguing in the game.
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Friday, 15 February 2013
Guild Wars 2 Maintenance on Wednesday
Next Wednesday will find maintenance on the servers of "Guild Wars 2" instead. The game and the official website is not on this day to about 13 clock be achievable.
ArenaNet indicates that the maintenance work on 13 February 2013 to be held between 9 und 13 clock clock. During this time, the server of the European and North American worlds are "Guild Wars 2" will not be available.
Even the official website and are affected at this time of the service. The Black Cave trading company is, moreover, not be available to 15 clock.
Extra resources about gw2 gold,buy Guild Wars 2 gold, pls go to:
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
ArenaNet: Dynamic Leveling Adjustment
Hello, I'm Isaiah Cartwright, the lead game designer for Guild Wars two. I'd like to speak today about several modifications we made to our dynamic leveling strategy, which makes it possible for players to appreciate the content on any map at any level.
We had one or two difficulties with this system that we made adjustments to. When high-level characters played in lower level zones, they were a bit too potent, so the content was not as difficult as it could be. As a result of this, we also scaled down the rewards a bit too much.
As of the January 28 build, we made many alterations to the dynamic scaling procedure to address these difficulties:
1.) We changed the formula for how attributes are calculated when the dynamic leveling adjustment tactic scales you down. This makes returning to lower level zones more fun and better balanced.
2.) We changed the formula for how rewards are calculated when scaled down to make it more fulfilling for high-level players to visit lower level locations.
The objective is to more accurately reflect the attributes you need to have at that level for a similarly geared character. While this will make a number of sections harder, our goal is to make all locations of Guild Wars 2 thrilling & fun for players of any level. We also need gw2 gold players of all levels to feel like their time is well spent & rewarding in any map they go to.
In 2013, one of our main objectives is to add more content to maps of all levels, as well as more robust reward structures for playing across all areas in the world. This will give us a strong structure of experiences, issues to resolve, & rewards which are balanced for a player of any level in any map and help make the social experience of playing anywhere in our game more thrilling.
Thanks for playing!
Honestly I'm not certain how I feel about this yet. I will must experience it a bit more to honestly grasp how it is going to impact the players. I'm leaning towards the positive side right now, nevertheless I know there is going to be the backlash of "Hey, why am I having a difficult time killing these level 5 enemies when I'm level 80?!" & it could end up dividing the Guild Wars 2 gold player base a bit in that regard.
This really is just me, though I hate scaling. But I guess you can only have it 2 distinctive methods. Either have low level places, that are simple and have not much reward, or have low level areas that scale you down and nonetheless give you proper rewards for the level that you are honestly at. Atleast, I hope the 2nd 1 is in fact is really how they did it. What is the point of scaling us down if we do not get additional reward for it.
Not genuine fond of the modify. As a crafter/explorer I don't honestly find investing all my time killing lower level mobs that fun. Mobs that previously took 5-8 attacks are now taking 8-12 attacks. Running around a mob constantly button pushing gets incredibly old & in point of fact is not fun or challenging. When I need challenge I modify my target type.
I've not noticed a difference in the gameplay, maybe points take several more hits, however to me its not noticable. I have recognized an expand in the rewards however. On the toons I am lvling I go via every zone lvling them up. All the starter zones, then the 15-25 zones & so on. So I am always a bit further lvl than the zone after the very first couple of starter zones. For instance my charr warrior is 45 & is 70% done with the charr 15-25 zone, Disseua Platuea (Yeah I know thats spelled wrong) so he's being scalled down at least 20 lvls now. The zone feels just as easy just like I was doing it on a lvl 80 toon.
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Guild Wars 2 update to tweak dungeon spawn points, focus on teamwork
An upcoming update for Guild Wars 2 will bring modifications to dungeon spawning mechanics that are designed to foster teamwork, based on a recent post on the game's internet site by Robert Hrouda, a content designer for ArenaNet's immensely multiplayer online role-playing game.
The update will roll out in 2 phases, however the developer hasn't revealed the release dates. The 1st update will revamp the game's "res-rushing" feature, which currently lets players use a waypoint to respawn immediately & charge back to battle. In an attempt to foster cooperation, that behavior will end after the update.
"Dungeons were designed to be extremely focused on teamwork," Hrouda wrote. "The current res-rushing mechanic discourages the type of behavior we intended when a fellow gw2 gold player goes down. We hope that by eliminating res-rushing, we'll bring dungeons more in-line with our original design goals, which are based around team play & strategy."
ArenaNet has also studied its data and is re-balancing those areas in which most res-rushing took place. The developer will provide "a full list of alterations" in the patch notes.
The second phase of the update will include changes to bosses and enemies, plus the developers will be taking "a outstanding, tough look" at every boss & dungeon.
Hrouda invited Guild Wars 2 gold players with thoughts or feedback to bring them to the Guild Wars 2 forums.
Earlier this month, alongside an announcement that the MMO had sold 3 million copies since launch, AreaNet announced plans for further content in addition to alterations to Guild Wars 2's achievements and reward systems.
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Guild Wars 2: Play as a guest on other worlds is activated in late January
Things come to those who wait, they say. And with the January update to the MMORPG Guild Wars 2, on the 28th January 2013 appears to finally visit the world function is activated. At the same time there will be no future transfers more free world - from the January update for the transfer fee demanded is a gem.
The developers of ArenaNet want with the January update, on the 28th January 2013 appears to activate the game on a host world. This means that you can interact with friends on a server, even if your home is a different world. Simultaneously with the activation of the host function and the free world transfers are disabled. If your after 28 Change January 2013 want the homeworld, then you have to pay for it with jewels. The amount of the fee depends on how close the objective world is populated. The more heroes are on it, the higher the cost.
To the January update to play as a guest on another world, you can then select the character on the button below and select the world on the "guest" button. Then You just have to select the desired character, and already you can play on the other world. However, there are some restrictions on the procedure: You can only play on your world region, as the character data will not be transferred to another data center.
You can also do not participate in the guest WvW world, your hero is brought back to his home world when you enter the WvW. It can only choose two guest worlds at once - after the expiration of 24 hours after the election of a host of world is occupied Slot released. You should attend a full world, the chance is of course quite large that you land on an overflow map. You can read the complete article to the guest worlds and the world read your transfers on the official website of Guild Wars 2 gold, you can also learn more about MMORPG on the
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Announced "play as guest" function for the end of January - Guild Wars 2
The developer leads on 28 January 2013 »game as a guest" function in the online role-playing game Guild Wars 2 gold. At the same time the free world transfer is abolished.
From 28 January 2013 there will be in the online role-playing game Guild Wars 2, a new feature called "play as guest". This gave the developers now posted on the official website. With this feature, which will be introduced as part of an update, you can play on other worlds than your homeworld with your friends - in the form of a guest.
However, there are some limitations for this feature. So these so-called guests, for example, do not participate in WvW events in the world visited. Here is an overview of the limitations in the text:
As we your character while playing as a guest (as opposed to the world transfer) is not transferred to another data center, you can only play as a guest in the worlds that lie in the same region as your home world.gw2 gold players in North American home worlds can not play in European worlds as a guest, and vice versa.
You can host in your world do not participate in WvW. If you find yourself in your guest-world decides, on WvW participate, you will be returned to your home world. If you want to participate in your guest on WvW world, you have to perform a complete world transfer to the world.
You can only play in two different worlds as a guest. Every time you play in a world as a guest, is this world for the next 24 hours to your potential host worlds. After 24 hours, you can then select a different world as host world. In your current guest worlds you can log in as often as you - there are no restrictions in this regard.
When playing in worlds full or heavily visited worlds as a guest, you risk that you may be moved to an overflow map.
Also gave known that with the introductions of the guest transfer function of the free world is deleted. From 28 January 2013 is for each such transfer to a gemstone fee, which depends on the current population of the respective worlds. The closer a world is populated, the more expensive the transfer.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Here's What 2013 Holds for Guild Wars 2
Alterations to everything from guilds to achievements to PvP coming.
No 1 will accuse Guild Wars 2 of not being ambitious. It's one of the most unique MMOs we have noticed in a while, though like any excellent developer, ArenaNet is on the whole looking towards the future. Today, Game Director Colin Johanson laid out what's in retail shop in 2013 in an extensive Guild Wars 2 weblog post -- a must read if you're one of Tyria's three million residents.
Perhaps the greatest news is the alterations coming for the way guild questing works. As of right now, being in a guild doesn't work much distinctive than in any other gw2 gold game. In 2013, still, you'll be in a position to head out on guild-distinct quests with rewards & other good stuff.
Speaking of rewards, ArenaNet will also be revamping the way Achievements work. Soon, you will be getting tokens for your exploits, regardless of level, which can then be spent on gear, which includes ascended loot. "Our reward systems need to be thrilling, & include factors you want to earn over time, nevertheless we do not want to force our gw2 gold players on endless gear treadmills for new tiers of gear we add every 6 months," says Johanson. He also says "You will not see one more tier between ascended & legendary in 2013." Bold move.
As for the PvP modes, we'll be getting a number of improved matchmaking for lesser adept players, primarily so we do not get pounded into dust every 2nd. WvW will also see quite a few improvements on the technical side, together with allowing players to have a lot of WvW-specific abilities to use in battle.
Now, a lot of this stuff is pretty brief on specifics, however you could read the full post over on the Guild Wars 2 blog to cull any more facts out of it you'd like. We'll make certain to keep you updated on any other updates that come up in the future.
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Guild Wars 2: ArenaNet dispels several hundred player accounts due exploit exploitation
ArenaNet has banned several accounts whose owners have used a bug in Guild Wars 2, in order to enrich themselves. Through the use of a winter's day items in conjunction with two other items it was gamblers to produce an almost infinite number of Ektoplasmakugeln.
ArenaNet has banned on Christmas Day several hundred accounts in Guild Wars 2. The banned players have made a bug in the game advantage to enrich themselves ingame. Due to an error in the game, gw2 gold players could of Guild Wars 2 is relatively easy to come Ektoplasmakugeln. Required for this is only a special Wintersday item and some small components. The bug was fixed by ArenaNet and can no longer be exploited.
In the past, ArenaNet has captured a large amount of accounts whose players have been enriched by a bug. Shortly after the launch of Guild Wars 2 as the applicant bought the Guild Wars 2 gold game currency Karma hundreds of weapons in order to make money. At that time, the players who have taken advantage of the mistake, just get a warning and were able to request, your account can be activated again. A recent discussion on the subject can be found on the website Reddit. For more information about the game you make your way to our topic page for Guild Wars 2, or at our partner site:
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Guild Wars 2 Celebrates Christmas With Wintersday Events
ArenaNet is bringing Christmas to Guild Wars 2.
ArenaNet has announced its plans to bring a new event into the world of Guild Wars 2 this Christmas with the launch of Wintersday, which runs from December 14 to January 3.
The event, which was detailed on the gw2 gold game's official blog, is mentioned as celebrating the kids of Tyria's love for toys:
"The nights could be lengthy and dark, nevertheless Tyrians of all races keep joy alive through the ancient holiday of Wintersday. While each race celebrates Wintersday in their own one of a kind way, kids all over Tyria share a common love of 1 thing: toys.
"This year the city of Lion's Arch will host the asuran Toymaker Tixx as their one of a kind Wintersday guest of honor. Before Tixx arrives in Lion's Arch in his huge airship toy workshop, he'll visit every major city in Tyria to deliver Wintersday toys & break cheer."
With the launch of the event, the city of Lion's Arch will be decked with festive cheer and Christmas—or rather, Wintersday—décor to celebrate the event. Other locations in the Guild Wars 2 gold game, like Zommoros' Mystic Forge, has been transformed into a giant snow globe holding break activities.
The game will also see the addition of Wintersday PvP activities involving snowballs, as well as a musical activity in the Bell Maestro.
You can read the full timetable of the events at the official site.
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
War stories in Guild Wars 2
I'm really big on the moments in games that turn into memories, whether that is in Guild Wars 2 gold, your pen and paper range of choice, or any other game. I mean, you quite possibly remember a great deal of your time in-game (unless you play a lot while honestly tired or otherwise impaired), yet there's a difference between, say, recalling much of the quests you had to complete in order to fill a renown heart & recounting that seriously epic time that you and that other Guardian (whom you haven't observed since) absolutely took on that Champion Jungle Troll all on your own and stomped his face, man, albeit you were both underleveled -- you just swapped to scepter/focus & kited him around while the other dude was whalin' on him with the good sword and it was just so cool. (We were really proud of ourselves, OK?)
Similarly, there's a distinction between walking up to an NPC-defended tower and laying siege to a player-defended one. Positive, you will likely don't forget each of them, although 1 is going to make the sort of experience that sticks with you.
The ArenaNet designers are very excellent at conveying certain sorts of experiences. I will speak at excellent length, to anyone who'll hang around and pretend to listen, about how extraordinary I discovered the Arah dungeon's story mode to be (right up till the fight with Considerable Z, yet that is another matter). I've seen a fair couple of complaints about its drudgery and endlessness, but I discovered that it did an stunning employment of bringing me into the feeling of war, of an invasion into hostile land, without any rest & no respite. To be sure, I don't commonly want that feeling; in actual fact, most times I do not honestly need that feeling at all. But for producing that experiences, telling that story, and instilling that memory -- it was perfect. I was absolutely caught up in that fight, 100% drawn in by the story that the encounter itself told.
There's without a doubt also the experiences that come from the writing itself. When my Elementalist was helping the Priory aid the Quaggans, I grew quite attached to brave, friendly little Shashoo. In spite of knowing that she couldn't come to harm (and that I could rez her if she did), I was distressed when she ran into danger or began taking damage. When she showed up to help me much later in the story, I was deeply touched. I felt better for having her around.
There is a further sort of experience completely that comes from player-driven circumstances. These are possibly the greatest and most critical moments. Getting caught up in the mood of the Arah dungeon is fantastic, although it's something I've done now; going back in is going to grant me a distinctive experience. Whether it's hitting a personal goal, running into a group that is just riding the serendipitous tide of a really great event chain, or facing off against the enemy hordes, these are the sorts of moments that are not going to go away for as lengthy as players are still around. WvW, as anybody who is read Ravious' stuff over at Kill 10 Rats will know, is amazing for these. There is something about the immediacy of the opponents, the camaraderie of traveling with your fellow serverfolk, plus the ever-present desire to not die needlessly that just makes for lovely stories. I've acknowledged that I can't honestly play WvW without something cool happening, whether it's a bit of a scuffle for a modest provide depot turning into a protracted battle, a surprise ambush throwing a routine provide run into complete disarray, or a really well-oiled team running around & mopping up a entire part of the map.
I've personally hit a sort of sweet spot in Guild Wars 2: I've got high-level characters for doing "endgame" content like dungeon runs & Orr events, I've got characters to work on advancing by means of the leveling curve, and I'm starting to see returns on my investments. I briefly mentioned, last week, that I'd hit 100% map exploration on my Elementalist; this past weekend, my Necromancer hit 80, & I began equipping the first dungeon armor pieces that I've been working toward. I'm doing things with more purpose than I was originally, & so my experience of the gw2 gold game is slightly shifted.
I hit 80 on my Elementalist while crafting, which was fantastic at the time because hitting 80 was A Thing that I felt obligated to do by then. When it was my Necromancer's turn, in spite of this, I wanted something a little more intriguing. I've been running around doing points with her (factors like hearts & opening up waypoints, which is something that I've neglected on other characters since focusing on getting my Elementalist to 100%), and when she finally got to the last quarter of a bar or so left 'til 80, I took her to Lake Feritas in the Plains of Ascalon. Feritas is home to a three-event chain that repeats fairly quickly: You mop up some tar elementals in the lake, move to a nearby Flame Legion cave to take out much of their braziers, & finally go toe-to-toe with the Flame Legion shaman. Because it's a honestly dependable chain, I as a general rule end up seeing it once or twice a week as I finish up my dailies, which implies the Shaman fight has been something of a growth chart for my Necro. She's gone from being terrified to go in without at least six or seven folks to back her up to laughing like a maniac as she runs in, Life Transferring all & sundry, to challenge the Shaman on her own.
What are some of your favorite war stories?
Sunday, 6 January 2013
ArenaNet wrongfully banning 'Guild Wars 2' accounts for buying/selling gold
Since its release last August, Guild Wars 2, as with most immensely multiplayer online games, has observed complications with the buying and selling of gold by means of gold "farmers" or "bots." What's more is that a few legitimate players are experiencing wrongful bans on their accounts, being told that they have already been buying and/or selling gold.
Upon logging into Guild Wars 2, it is prevalent for players to find spam mail from bots, attempting to sell them gold. Participating in this practice, whether it's botting, acquiring or selling gold, or working with third-party programs that give the gw2 gold player an benefit over others is prohibited.
The Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct could be seen below:
"You could not order, sell, transfer or auction (or host or facilitate the capability to allow others to buy, sell, transfer or auction) , or offer to transfer, sell or auction, or get or accept any offer to transfer, sell or auction, any game Account or game Content, which includes (without limitation) game characters, character attributes, items, objects, currency, credits or copyrighted material, or any other intellectual property owned or controlled by ArenaNet, Inc., NCsoft, the Service, or our licensors, nor may you encourage or induce any other player to participate in such prohibited transaction(s), except as might be especially authorized by the Service & by ArenaNet or NCsoft, without first acquiring our express written permission."
This is per usual for MMOs.
A few players, but, have located that their accounts have actually been banned basically for sending other players (pals, spouses, guildmates, etc.) guild wars 2 gold through the game's in-game mail process (the only program for trading items between players), forcing a number of users to wait upwards of quite a few days to see their accounts restored. Others that have already been waiting at least 3 days have already been directed to a 62 page forum thread and told to post their consumer assistance ticket number with a description so that their status could be updated.
The trouble with many players claiming to have been wrongfully banned from playing the game is that some of these claims are false. Loads of of them are merely attempts by "RMT (genuine profits trading) workers who are trying whatever implies they can to get back onto their accounts or even lie and try to steal new accounts by claiming them via a support ticket," said ArenaNet Support Liaison Gaile Gray.
"Plenty of cheaters and RMT workers [that] are filing bogus appeals that, sadly, need to be weeded by means of and responded to before the agents can get to your legitimate request for help," Gray said.
Other ways of appealing a violation include going to the Guild Wars 2 assistance page, clicking "How do I contact the Guild Wars 2 Account Admin Team to appeal a violation?" & following the suitable steps.
It is a shame that a game that had such lofty objectives to adjust the MMO genre has been riddled with 1 of the most common and biggest challenges that plague the genre. What is more is that, as it appears, legitimate players have already been banned from their accounts with no word from ArenaNet as to when their account will be restored.
Friday, 4 January 2013
Guild Wars 2: Snowflakes exploit - ArenaNet swings the ban hammer
In the past, ArenaNet has repeatedly stressed that it imposes exploits and their use by gw2 gold players very seriously and appropriate sanctions. Now the developer of Guild Wars 2 has again swung the ban-hammer. This affects players who took advantage of the recycling of snowflake jewelry, which was introduced in the winter.
Players banned
As both players report on Reddit and the official GW2 forum, ArenaNet has again unpacked the ban-hammer and numerous accounts permanently disabled, as they took advantage of an exploit in the recycling of the snowflake ornament.
Was inter alia for the manufacture of jewelry a snowflake jewel needed. Recycled to the gem back then, you would receive this gem with a 80% chance and an additional 1-3 Ektoplasmakugeln. Then only some additional material was needed to produce the gem again and again to grab Ektoplasmakugeln.
Statement by Gaile Gray
ArenaNet also Gaile Gray commented on now. In her statement she said that she had seen the numbers and the damage to the economy could be substantial, whether the exploit has not been closed and would have allowed the relevant players to keep their illegally obtained income.
"Players whose accounts were closed, were the worst offenders. I speak from a lot of illegally obtained income and a significant risk for the economy, "Gray continued. Every time you could take something to make two, and then four, and then to make sixteen, one must know that it was just wrong. And the whole thing to repeat hundreds of times, is nothing else than an exploit and against the terms of use.
She knows that many players would not agree with it. Ultimately, we should not always consider the following: "We are all part of the game industry, and those who take advantage of exploits that hurt the rest of us."
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